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Lifelong Education In Busan

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  • Lifelong Education In Busan

Lifelong Education in Busan

1. Set up of 'Plan of Promoting Lifelong Education in Busan'

  • Co-establish in association with the City Government

2. Support for Active Operation of Lifelong Education

  • Provision of lifelong education using school and local facilities
  • Securing human resources from schools and local communities
  • Operation of accredited literacy programs
  • Provision of resident-friendly customized lifelong education

3. Policy for Accredited Lifelong Learning

  • Operation of school-type lifelong education facility schools (4 MS, 7 HS)
  • Operation of credit bank system and lifelong learning account

4. Nurturing Lifelong Human Resources

  • Training lifelong educators and placing lifelong education specialists
  • Forming HR pool of prominent lifelong instructors
  • Supporting lifelong education by utilizing retired teachers as well as training parents as instructors

5. Expanding 'Parents Training Center'

Expanding 'Parents Training Center':Region, East Busan, West Busan, South Busan, Saha·Dadae Area, Haeundae·Gijang Area
Region East Busan West Busan South Busan Saha·Dadae Area Haeundae·Gijang Area
Center Parents Support Center Gu-po Parents
Training Center
Joongang Parents
Training Center
Early Childhood
Education Promotion Center
Haeundae Parents
Training Center

6. Activating the Operation of Local Libraries in Busan

  • xpanding check-out system at public libraries (Busan ↔ Nationwide)
  • Developing library policies in Busan
  • Developing reading-life project for all citizens

7. Making Public Library and School Library into Local Lifelong Learning Center

  • Strengthening local lifelong education centers by activating programs for citizens
  • Activating reading education and visiting programs for disadvantaged people
  • Flexible operation of night lectures for day-time workers and students
  • Extending opening hours for workers who are not able to drop by during the daytime

8. Lifelong Learning Centers in Busan

List of Lifelong Learning Centers:Center, Homepage, Tel. No.
Center Homepage Tel. No.
Busan Metropolitan City Simin Municipal Library http://www.siminlib.go.kr 051-810-8200
Busan Metropolitan City Joongang Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/joonganglib 051-250-0300
Busan Metropolitan City Gupo Municipal Library http://www.gupolib.or.kr 051-330-6300
Busan Metropolitan City Haeundae Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/haeundaelib 051-709-0900
Busan Metropolitan City Bujun Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/bujunlib 051-802-5901
Busan Metropolitan City Bansong Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/bansonglib 051-545-0102
Busan Metropolitan City Guduck Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/guducklib 051-220-3800
Busan Metropolitan City Seo-dong Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/seodonglib 051-522-0456
Busan Metropolitan City Saha Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/sahalib 051-203-0571
Busan Metropolitan City Yeonsan Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/yeonsanlib 051-792-5400
Busan Metropolitan City Myungjang Municipal Library https://home.pen.go.kr/mjlib 051-527-0582
최근 업데이트 일시 : 2023/10/16 13:23:09
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