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Facts & Statistics

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Organization and Capacity

Organization(As of January 1, 2024)

  • 3Bureaus, 2Officers, 1Education Policy Institute, 15Divisions
  • Education -> 5 District Office of Education
  • Affiliated Organization -> 21 Agencies (10 Organizations, 11 libraries)

Capacity of Government Officials(As of January 1, 2024)

Capacity of Government Officials:Total, Administrative Official, Public School Teacher, Education Specialist, General Official
Total Administrative Official Public School Teacher Education Specialist General Official
22,469 1 18,413 331 3,724

Status of Schools(As of January 1, 2024)

Status of Schools:Classification, No. of School, No. ofClass, No. ofStudent, No. ofTeacher
Classification No. of School No. of Class No. of Student No. of Teacher
National Public Private Sub-total
Total 5 639 361 1,005 15,902 333,797 26,135
Kindergarten - 132 231 363 1,906 34,259 3,111
Elementary School 1 298 6 305 7,095 152,209 9,220
Middle School - 135 35 170 3,028 74,443 5,645
High School Sub-total 4 63 75 142 3,405 70,025 7,290
General 1 46 46 93 2,259 48,978 4,796
Special-purposed 3 7 4 14 322 6,155 705
Specialized - 8 24 32 766 13,800 1,664
Autonomous - 2 1 3 58 1,092 125
Special School - 8 7 15 371 2,023 678
Miscellaneous School - 3 6 9 88 749 170
Trade High School - - 1 1 9 89 21
Accredited Lifelong
Education Facilities Facilities
- - 9 9 119 4,103 180

Private Educational Institutes(As of January 1, 2024)

Private Educational Institutes:Total, School Curriculum Education and Training Institute, Life-long Vocational Education and Training Institute
Life-long Vocational Education School Curriculum Education Training Institute
238 5,635 3,449

Status of Finance (As of January 1, 2024)

Financial Scale -> 5,247.9 billion won (In billion won)

Status of Finance:Revenues, Expenditures
Revenues Expenditures
Classification Amount Ratio(%) Classification Amount Ratio(%)
Transferred Income 5,034.8 95.9 Pre/Primary/Secondary School Education 2,570.6 49.0
Internal Income 36.8 0.7 Lifelong &Vocational Education 24.2 0.5
Other 26.3 0.5 General Education 117.9 2.2
Internal Transaction 150.0 2.9 Contingency Fund 22.8 0.4
Labor expenses 2,512.4 47.9
Total Revenues 5,247.9 100 Total Expenditures 5,247.9 100

Status of Properties(As of January 1, 2024)

Property Scale -> 10,268.1 billion won (In billion won)

tatus of Properties:Classification,National Property, Public Property, Total
Classification National Property Public Property Total
Administrative Property 750.0 9,489.6 10,239.6
General Property - 28.5 28.5
Total Property 750.0 9,518.1 10,268.1
최근 업데이트 일시 : 2024/02/16 14:47:47
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